Happy Place

My lifestyle is now luxurious and wealthy enough to set aside a ‘happy place’ just for myself. At first I was going to go full utilitarian and just make the small room for storage and linen, but with some encouragement from my husband (and, it seems, some necessity for a place I can retreat forContinue reading “Happy Place”

Glorifying 50’s Housewives

Because I’m a pedant who likes to back up my opinions and perspectives with references and resources, I watched Food for Thought (an educational/infomercial about pressure cookers). This video showcases how a single pressure cooker revolutionized the middle American White Person’s kitchen, with an introduction on how life used to be for housewives prior toContinue reading “Glorifying 50’s Housewives”

This is not A Soft Life

A friend of mine, after a discussion about my concerns regarding being perceived as a TradWife, sent me this video; I have so many notes on this, I’m just writing a blog about it. To begin, the presenter discusses what I feel are legitimate points about women being expected to ‘have it all’; sacrificing ourContinue reading “This is not A Soft Life”

Computer Brains

After over a year of frustration with my partner, and not quite understanding the visual disconnect between his promises to help with the chores and how long those chores take to get done, I have to accept that this is how autism affects our relationship. We usually vibe really well in almost every other aspect.Continue reading “Computer Brains”

Small Moments

After the nights of tears and frustration, suffering through pregnancy and postpartum, an aching back and sore eyes, the happy small moments get more and more frequent. The moments that I’ve been waiting my daughter’s whole life to reach so far. When I was depressed I kept repeating to myself, ‘just keep going, you’ll getContinue reading “Small Moments”

Accidental TradWife

Recently I’ve been talking to my partner, about the division of chores and roles in the home. While we both assumed these conversations had been conducted during our dating phase, the trenches of early parenting has renewed the topic. It might be my increasingly poor short-term memory that has contributed, as now any new informationContinue reading “Accidental TradWife”

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