
My partner is an absolute gem. From watching/feeding/cuddling/changing/bathing the baby for a few hours so I can sleep, to cleaning the living room, and making me food so I can eat, my Beloved is handling parenthood like a rockstar. Watching them become exhausted, and one of us always having our hands occupied by a clingyContinue reading “Co-Parenting”

Clothing Sexism Starts Early

Did you know that girls’ clothes with fake pockets, and boys’ clothes with thicker material in winter, begins as early as INFANCY?? Compare the pair; Notice anything? Aside from the obvious colour differences, the chinos (advertised for boys) and the pink-waistband denim (aimed at girls) have a discrepancy in pockets. That’s right – the girlContinue reading “Clothing Sexism Starts Early”

Using Research Skills as a Parent

The one unexpected benefit of finishing a doctorate before having kids is my ability to just…find stuff out. I don’t mean violating peoples’ privacy! I mean finding answers to commonly-asked questions. Such as; How do I re-fluff my towels? How to safely approach weaning? What tips can I use to get a fussy baby toContinue reading “Using Research Skills as a Parent”

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