Returning to Work

My child is settled into the university daycare, I have work outfits and N95 masks prepared, air purifiers are ordered and my bag with teaching materials are packed. I’m very excited to return to work. While staying at home to get through the sleep regressions of my toddler’s infancy was a wise move (using yourContinue reading “Returning to Work”

Lean Times

The rising cost of living is making even us feel the pinch. You would think, on a doctor’s salary, we’d be quite comfortable. But paying rent, covering amenities and bills, groceries, and necessary appointments like the mechanic and the dentist, have us living paycheck-to-paycheck some weeks. It’s not that we’re poor at budgeting, it’s thatContinue reading “Lean Times”

Learning to Reframe

I’ve had a bad week. Then an ok week. Then a tough week. And now a bad-kinda-good week. It’s been difficult to learn to reframe my experiences. I have anxiety and get stressed a lot, particularly when I make a mistake. I used to be yelled at for making mistakes, both by my family andContinue reading “Learning to Reframe”

Record Low Birth Rates

People on social media have repeatedly asked…how do we fix the fact that my generation are having far less children? The answer is multi-fold, and I’ll list some of the reasons to get started; This list is by no means comprehensive, but it’s the list that is always raised when my generation are asked ‘whyContinue reading “Record Low Birth Rates”

Happy Place

My lifestyle is now luxurious and wealthy enough to set aside a ‘happy place’ just for myself. At first I was going to go full utilitarian and just make the small room for storage and linen, but with some encouragement from my husband (and, it seems, some necessity for a place I can retreat forContinue reading “Happy Place”

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