Simple Pleasures

A warm cup of Ovaltine on a cold night, feet covered by warm socks, with my partner watching a cosy TV show before an early bedtime snuggled under the blankets. A crackling fire and a shared bottle of weak, warm mulled cider – just enough for a buzz, nowhere near enough to cause any illContinue reading “Simple Pleasures”

The Craft (1996)

I just got caught up on this film, and I have some thoughts (that are likely echoed elsewhere). As unpopular as this view might be, I see a lot of Wiccan popular culture tied up in this movie. All the symbology, all the icons and rituals – looking for direction and inspiration, the amount ofContinue reading “The Craft (1996)”

Year of the Dragon 2024

On the 10th of February, the year of the Rabbit ends and the year of the Dragon begins! It probably isn’t a secret that I love dragons. Love the concept, love the character design, love stories involving them. In primary school my friends and I spent hours drawing them and coming up with names forContinue reading “Year of the Dragon 2024”

Second Child

We’re preparing to have a second child, because when I agreed to have children with my partner it was always a ‘we’ll aim for more than one‘ deal. The first child was luckily a sweet and caring person, although postpartum depression and sleep deprivation kicked my butt. Childbirth was traumatic, and I didn’t think IContinue reading “Second Child”

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